Oceana Blue Productions Photographic Services
Oceana Blue Productions offers photographic services for all occasions. We only hire top fashion and event photographers who innovatively create new ways to use lighting and design to showcase our models and events. From fashion shoots to corporate functions, Oceana Blue Productions photographers consistently produce stunning images that portray the feel, mood and artistic designs that helped make the event special.
Photographer Quavondo
Photographer Tim VanBergen
Mr. VanBergen is a fashion photographer, specializing in model photography, magazine covers, and editorial work.
Photographer Choi Yee Joeyee Wong
Photograher Choi Yee Joeyee Wong is a very talented photographer, specializing in editorial fashion print, commercial and wedding photography.
Photographer Dung Nguyen
Mr. Nguyen shoots fashion, events and weddings.
Photographer / Filmmaker Todd Trigsted
Mr. Trigsted shoots fashion, art photography, industrial landscapes and is a documentary filmmaker.
Dozen Entertainment LLC
Dozen Entertainment LLC is a Portland, Oregon based production and entertainment company. It services range from providing photography and video to complete Red Carpet coverage to include hosting interviews.